Eviction Filings Finally Dip Down

According to the numbers from the federal government and a few different housing authorities, eviction numbers in America are finally starting to dip. The way that evictions are counted is when landlords and big mortgage lenders file that t...


Las Vegas Housing Market Trending Up

To say that America is experiencing a housing crisis is really putting things lightly. It's not so much that people are being thrown out of their homes because they cannot afford their mortgage payments. Although that is unfortunately a ...


Bidding Wars and Shortages are a Housing Disruption

According to a new housing report released on Wednesday, Dec 8, the housing shortages in America are considered a 'disruption' to the normal, organic process of the market's typical ebb and flow. This, of course, is a gros...


Are You Hard Pressed for Cash? Here's How to Improve Your Home's Appearance on a Low Budget

Renovations improve your home's appearance and longevity of different components. Unfortunately, some refurbishment might be too expensive, forcing you to put them off for several mon...


Are You Looking for a House to Buy or Rent? See Why You Should Settle for a Big Home

Looking for a house is one of the most challenging tasks. If you want to settle for the best, you have to be prepared to spend much time online comparing apartments in different neighborhood...


How Do You Choose the Best Rental Property? Find Out

Finding the perfect rental property can take several weeks or months. However, that depends on your commitment and how informed you're about housing matters. Therefore, before you start searching for a home, take so...


Will the Housing Shortage Clear Up in 2022?

The United States of America is not only dealing with a basic housing shortage but rather an unprecedented turn in the market that has seen the supply miss the demand by over three million individual homes. This is causing prices ...


Do You Plan to Move to a New House? Here's How to Have a Successful Process

Moving to a new house is one of the most challenging exercises. That is because there is a lot of work involved, and you must do everything right to avoid damaging your property when packing, unpacki...


How You Can Write a Real Estate Offer Letter That Will Win You the Home

Once you have found your dream home, you need to do all that you can to ensure that it becomes yours. This means that you need to draft a strong real estate offer letter to state your intention and sway...


Do You Plan to Manage Your Property Yourself? Here's How to Do it like a Pro

Managing a rental property is very challenging, especially when solving conflicts between tenants. For example, if one tenant complains that their neighbor has been chanting religious passages at th...