LIHEAP Provides Critical Heating Aid to Maine's Vulnerable Citizens

As temperatures plunge and heating costs rise, Maine's most vulnerable residents struggle to stay warm.

Fortunately, the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) provides a vital lifeline. This federally-funded program helps income-eligible Mainers afford heat during the winter months.

LIHEAP is administered in Maine by the Maine State Housing Authority. The program offers assistance with fuel bills, emergency fuel delivery, and heating system repairs for those who qualify based on income.

For example, a family of four earning up to $53,000 per year would likely be eligible. Recipients of benefits like SNAP or SSI are automatically eligible.

MaineHousing urges all who may qualify to apply for LIHEAP aid as soon as possible.

"We want to get the word out so vulnerable Mainers can access the heating assistance they desperately need this winter," said Executive Director Daniel Brennan. Applications are currently open and available through local Community Action Program offices or online

LIHEAP funds are limited and distributed on a first-come, first-served basis. So far, over 50,000 Maine households have received aid through the program this winter. However, many more remain in need of assistance, especially as energy costs stay high.

Crisis funds are also available for those in immediate danger of running out of heat.

Staying warm is not a luxury, but a necessity. Programs like LIHEAP provide critical aid so thousands of Maine's most vulnerable citizens have access to affordable heat. If you're struggling with heating costs this winter, check your eligibility and apply today.

With the help of LIHEAP, we can ensure all Mainers stay safe and warm this season.

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